The monkees spent the weekend in the sorting office :( but they were very good and they didn't eat the sweeties

Whilst my back was turned they escaped!
HP 41 was smart, she headed for the high ground.
HP45 was not so lucky. She was grabbed by the small person, forcably introduced to the rest of the gang (what is the collective noun for monkees? Troop?). And I can personally vouch for the security of the arm/body attachment, it has been well tested :)
NB Small people cannot stand still when they are excited about monkeys :)

Once HP45 (henceforth to be known as Mummy Monkee) had been abducted and confined in the small person's bedroom to 'look after' the baby monkees, HP41 agreed to a photoshoot to more perfectly display her beauty, well, I think she's beautiful!Small person will not be placated. A little background here. I was 'volunteered' to knit Miss McManus a monkey for the end of term 'going up to the next class' present, Small person also wanted one for herself, it's only fair (fare?) I bought the yarn and then stashed it, and stashed it has remained Kerry's monkee sale seemed the perfect way to exit with dignity intact and monkeey provided without actually having to sew up all those seems! But oh no! Small person says HP41 will not 'do'. Apparantly Miss McManus' favourite colour is pink and she needs a pink monkee. Hmmm! May have to knit monkee after all :)
Thank you Kerry, it was worth a try :) Small person is happy, Mummy Monkee is happy (whether she likes it or not!) and I love HP41 even though (or perhaps because) she is not pink. Sigh! Better go make a monkey.
Cute Monkees! :D
HP 41 is just gorgeous! You will just have to keep her (after all she is PURPLE!!)
Pink monkey? Perhaps we should start a monkey KAL on Ravelry THEN we'd get a monkee or two finished for sure!! (I've enough fuzzy stuff for about 4 stashed.... )oops!
I love you Mr Purple .... missed out on him by 2 minutes! At least he has gone to a great home!
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