
Saturday, February 18, 2006

small creatures wrapped in love

The journey of the maidens wrap continues.

The next wise woman to work on the wrap was troubled and excited by the possibilities before her. She searched within herself for the spark of creation that is all out heritage and after much careful consideration, and the encouragement of her fellow stitchers, she began.

This stitcher was nervous of the responsibilities she had undertaken. She was halting and unsure of her skill. She sewed and removed many tryings. But she was one of the wise, and her talents led her to places she did not know she could go to until the neddle brought her there.

The beauty is once again in the intention and the spirit in which such an undertaking is performed as well as in the outcome which is indeed beauty.

This is the magic of the wrap working it's spell.

For as well as the designs chosen by the wise women and the skills they have learnt over many years of quiet study, there is a lustre to the stitches wrought by the joy engaged in their formation. In the choosing of materials for the creation, the feelings of the stitcher are captured and they permeate the fabric of the wrap and surround the craftwork thereon.

This stitchers addition brings joy, peace and a lighthearted sparkeling beauty to the wrapping as it goes on it's way for the next in the group of ladies to embellish. It is truely and purely pretty as befits a treasure for a young maiden. It reminds the mother (when she views it trough the portal of this medium) of days long passed for her. Days which were unfettered by the cares of the world and the trials of motherhood which are yet to encroach on the maiden, her daughter. Days when a pretty thing was all and itself, unspoiled by responsibilites and worries and when the world, as seen through her eyes, was less jaded. And wonder of wonders, this is the first time this special member of the chosen has worked such a creation! Perhaps one of the secrets of the wrap is the transformations it performs and the seeds it plants along it's way!

Now our treasure is parcelled, and, protected by our good wishes, it is entrusted to the carriers of the air as it continues over sea and land to it's next craftswoman. What will be added at this stopping place? How will the whole be enhanced and perfected? We will have to wait.

Meanwhile another wrapping sent out at the same time by our mother and maiden is also being made beautiful and is being considered and regarded with affection, as well as by the occasional perplexed brow, as more magic is performed on it's surface - but that is another story for another day :)

If you would like more information on the work Sharon did please visit her blog


Anonymous said...

Love that bunny!

Sharon said...

LOL - I am in tears at this end J... This is very beautiful story and I am touched at my inclusion in it... Your are a wordsmith as well as a needlecrafter... Another thing we have in common.... Thankyou so much for sharing this with us...