Then horror, I haven't got the DPNs I need - "Never mind" thinks I - "I'll make it on straight needles , flat and seam it." I'll adapo the Knitty pattern a little further. So confident am I that I can do this, I sit with my pad and pen writing down my stitches so i can make the second one without any problems. All going well, feeling smug, i start to plan how I will share my adapted pattern for people who don't want to knit them in the round. People will read my blog and think "what a clever woman she can design knitting patterns as well as everything else - wow!"
Still quite happy, i begin to sew up the seams and to try on the glove to see if it fits ... which it does, beautifully. Apart from what DS (aged 14 and heavy with sarcasm) describes as a "minor flaw."
See the error?
Yep, that's right, we will have to amputate one of her fingers to make it fit! A three fingered glove.
You gotta laugh! And we did. Thought I'd share anyway so you can have a laugh too :) VVVVVBG

Important thing is...designing your own pattern worked, anyone could forget a finger *rolls eyes*, couldn't they ??? vbg
Nice colour too, have you started the 'real' ones yet ?
LOL!! oops ;) ah well its good practice, I think keep it and frame it :-D
I agree with Lothlorain, I think you should frame it too. It's a piece of art!
It's good to be able to laugh at our own mistakes.
wow, I love it. I saw this from a link in the posh yarn ravelry items. It made me laugh out loud. It would be great for any simpsons characters.
Beautiful! I will think of this often and smile. I also laughed at your 14 yr old DS - I have one the very same age - and I could envision the eye rolling, etc.
Thanks for making my day!!
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