The fabric side of the business is being 'run down' to allow more space for the yarn.
The knitterly side of me says "Yay!" but the patchwork part says "Oh no!"
The bargain hunter in me soon won over though :o)
All patchwork fabric half price and the sale ends next Friday. It's Ring A Rosie on Park View in Whitley Bay if anyone is near enough to benefit.
I have a little girls memory quilt to make so I went for lots of lovely bright pink, red, orange and lovely limey green, they are all Fossil Fern fabrics, some of my favourites. I snuck in some purples and a dark green too - they'll come in useful at some point, wont they :o) You know they will.
No yarn for me - I'm on a stashalong remember ;o) Looks like I found a way round that one, then. VBG But a bargain is sometimes too good to miss.
Also picked up some burgundy but left behidg the flannel - might have to go back for that :o) Sewing machine tonight?
The Cream Baby Shawl Grows but she is not fit to be photographed unless you'd like a photo of a big cream blob of formlessness. I am adding rounds in the Old Shell but boy those are long rounds, and longer and longer. 3 mindless rows punctuated by a little attention to get the increase pattern stitches in a suitable place but other than that, just round and round and round I go.
See comments on previous post for a discussion of knitting squares. What do you do?
seems that is the only LYS in our area. You sure you didn't sneak any in your basket?? I have to visit it one day xx
At least it will be easy to build the patchwork side up again if need be. The owners of my LQS want to retire, and hope to sell the business. But if no-one buys it, it won't be there at all.
The fossil fern are lovely.
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